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EngageinEnglish's Shop

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Providing engaging and exciting resources for memorable lessons!




Providing engaging and exciting resources for memorable lessons!
Nature Descriptive Writing - Full Lesson

Nature Descriptive Writing - Full Lesson

A descriptive writing lesson using peaceful images to engage students! Lots of resources included. Full lesson includes: * Clear image starter * Lesson objectives * Five things to help with descriptive writing slide * Image + example task (resource included as a hand out) * Image prompt and review slide Student checklist, things to include in descriptive writing, a WAGOLL and descriptive word mat resources included. Visit my page for more great lessons and resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish (All images are copy right free to the best of my knowledge.)
Motorcycle Match-up Activity Pack

Motorcycle Match-up Activity Pack

A fun and handy match-up starting task with extension activity, especially good for dis-engaged boys or smaller groups. Tried and tested resource. Pack includes seven different motorcycles for students to match with seven descriptions and an extension activity. The activity works students close reading skills and attention to detail, as they have to correctly identify key words in the description in order to arrive at the correct solution. It is also easy to encourage an extension questioning session by asking what students would prefer and how they think that reflects their personalities. *Now available in a great value bundle: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/kinaesthetic-activity-pack-11211107* You may also be interested in: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/poetic-terms-full-lesson-11184997 Photo credits from Flickr: Brad Lauster, Motorcycle Explore, Costel Slincu, Ronald Saunders, Gullevk, Hugo Cardoso and public domain images at google – publicdomatinimages.com.
Zombie Land - Terror at the Fun Fair - Horror Creative Writing Lesson

Zombie Land - Terror at the Fun Fair - Horror Creative Writing Lesson

Zombie Land – Terror at the Fun Fair Highly engaging, zombie creative writing lesson, in which students work from a given scenario in order to write their own engaging horror story. The scenario: It started out as a fun night at the fairground. You and a group of friends letting your hair down and unwinding after a hard week at school. However, soon it becomes clear that something is not quite right. A cold wind blows a chill into the night and you hear strange noises over the beat of fairground music. Suddenly, an eerie darkness descends and all goes quiet. Fairground rides come to a standstill and wild groans and screaming can be heard over the chatter of panic. You and a friend are stuck on the ghost train and desperately trying to find your way outside in the darkness. Outside, it is only then that you realise that the real terror has only just begun. Welcome to your nightmare… Highly attractive Power Point includes: * Full lesson scenario * Starter task * Survival objectives * Planning sheet * Writing and discussion prompts * Interactive ‘zombie bingo’ with callers card and 30 individual bingo cards (from myfreebingo.com) Fantastic lesson!! For great more lessons and resources visit my shop here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish (Credits: Freeimages.com, Chroniclelive.co.uk.)
Zombie Land - Terror at the Fun Fair - Creative Writing

Zombie Land - Terror at the Fun Fair - Creative Writing

Zombie Land – Terror at the Fun Fair Highly engaging, zombie creative writing lesson, in which students work from a given scenario in order to write their own engaging horror story. The scenario: It started out as a fun night at the fairground. You and a group of friends letting your hair down and unwinding after a hard week at school. However, soon it becomes clear that something is not quite right. A cold wind blows a chill into the night and you hear strange noises over the beat of fairground music. Suddenly, an eerie darkness descends and all goes quiet. Fairground rides come to a standstill and wild groans and screaming can be heard over the chatter of panic. You and a friend are stuck on the ghost train and desperately trying to find your way outside in the darkness. Outside, it is only then that you realise that the real terror has only just begun. Welcome to your nightmare… Highly attractive Power Point includes: * Full lesson scenario * Starter task * Survival objectives * Planning sheet * Writing and discussion prompts * Interactive ‘zombie bingo’ with callers card and 30 individual bingo cards (from myfreebingo.com) Fantastic lesson!! For great more lessons and resources visit my shop here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish (Credits: Freeimages.com, Chroniclelive.co.uk.)
Murder Mystery Generator and Starter Pack

Murder Mystery Generator and Starter Pack

Fantastic murder mystery generator, murder bingo and a 5 pack of find the word starters. Excellent value! Murder Mystery Generator: A fun murder mystery generator to help students write a murder mystery story! The generator will provide a random generation of suspect, motive, weapon and setting. Great for creative writing or drama! (Credits: royalty free images, Pixabay, Gamevuze.) Individual resource available here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/creative-writing-murder-mystery-generator-11219707 Murder Bingo Cards: 30 individual murder mystery cards and a callers card, great for a fun plenary activity. Individual resource available here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/murder-mystery-bingo-11219709 * Also included a find the words 5 pack starter! See my shop page for more great resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish (Credits: bingo cards from myfreebingo.com, images royalty free, pixabay.)
Descriptive Writing - Complete Lesson

Descriptive Writing - Complete Lesson

A descriptive writing lesson using peaceful images to engage students! Lots of resources included. Full lesson includes: * Clear image starter * Lesson objectives * Five things to help with descriptive writing slide * Image + example task (resource included as a hand out) * Image prompt and review slide Student checklist, things to include in descriptive writing, a WAGOLL and descriptive word mat resources included. Visit my page for more great lessons and resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish (All images are copy right free to the best of my knowledge.)
Spooky Ghost Diaries - Creative Writing  Full Lesson

Spooky Ghost Diaries - Creative Writing Full Lesson

Spooky ghost story. Creative writing diary lesson. The scenario: You are travelling alone at night when a mysterious fog encircles your car and it suddenly cuts out. With no means to call for help, you take to the road. Through the woods you stumble across an old mansion house. You are about to walk towards the house, when to your horror, you see on the path the words “look behind you” you turn, shaken to you core, and… Full lesson includes all resources. Starter, lesson objective and a spooky bingo plenary finish with 30 individual bingo cards! For more great resources and lessons visit my shop here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish (Credits: the images used in this work are COPYRIGHT FREE and can be found here: https://pixabay.com/en/photos/haunting/ https://pixabay.com/en/foggy-pathway-road-fog-landscape-1082224/ )
The Haunting Horror Story Creative Writing

The Haunting Horror Story Creative Writing

The Haunting Horror Story Creative Writing A group of friends find themselves trapped in an old hotel, only to suffer strange lucid dreams and terrifying nightly visitations. Will they escape or go insane? And what is the significance of the black rose? Visually attractive, creative horror story lesson complete with all resources needed for a fun engaging lesson or series of lessons. (At least two lessons will be required to complete the story.) Power point includes: * Attractive title page. * Story scenario – dramatic scenario (as above). * Complete lesson objectives and outcomes * Character cards page (with example, included) where students complete their own characters on special cards (resources included at the back of the Power Point.) * Planning sheet giving students a structured method in which to write an effective story (included at the back of the Power Point.) * A review prompt to discuss writing so far. * A review peer-assessment prompt which should set students up to continue the story next lesson. A simple but fun and engaging lesson! Visit my shop for more great lessons and resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish (Credits: Donney Nunley, Circus Tricks, Flickr.com. Emo Attitude, Haunted Boy, Deviant art.) You created this resource.
Dystopian and Horror - 3 Lesson Bundle

Dystopian and Horror - 3 Lesson Bundle

Dystopian and horror 3 lesson bundle pack featuring the lessons: The Zombie Apocalypse, The Lakeside Murder and The Spooky Ghost Diaries! More information and the individual lessons can be found here for £3 each. The Zombie Apocalypse: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/zombie-apocalypse-creative-writing-lesson-11278633 The Lakeside Murder: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/the-lakeside-murder-creative-writing-11280537 The Spooky Ghost Diaries: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/the-spooky-ghost-diaries-11277254 Or all three highly engaging lessons can be downloaded here for just £5.50. Or see my home page for more great lessons and resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish (Credits: all images are copyright free, accreditation can be found on each download page.)
The Ultimate Christmas Bundle!

The Ultimate Christmas Bundle!

4 Resources
The Ultimate Christmas Bundle! Everything you need for a fun Christmas in the classroom in this premuim bundle collection! Bundle includes: * The Spooky Christmas Story - students get to write their own spooky story. * A Christmas Murder Mystery - creative writing lesson based around a murder mystery scenario. * A Perfect Christmas - rich descriptive writing lesson based around beautiful Christmas scenes. * Christmas Fun Pack - fun activities the kids will enjoy. A must download! For more great resources, visit my shop page here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish
Christmas Quiz Pack - A Must Download

Christmas Quiz Pack - A Must Download

4 Resources
Christmas Quiz Pack A MUST download, including: * The Ultimate Christmas Quiz * Fun Quiz Pack * Christmas Fun Pack * Word Games Well over 100 pages of quiz and Christmas fun. Click on the links for further details. A great value download. For more great resources and lessons, visit my page here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish
A Christmas Murder Bundle Pack

A Christmas Murder Bundle Pack

3 Resources
A Christmas Murder Bundle Pack An excellent collection for Christmas, featuring an exciting Christmas lesson, a Christmas fun pack and a quiz pack collection. Click on the links for further details! Also available is the ultimate Christmas bundle which you may prefer instead, featuring three whole Christmas lessons and the Christmas fun pack. Just £5.50. A must download. Download this below: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/the-ultimate-christmas-bundle-11425592 For more great resources, visit my shop page here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish
Back to School Bundle Pack

Back to School Bundle Pack

3 Resources
A great value bundle pack, featuring: * About You - a full introductionary lesson. (Normally £3) * 15 bumper pack of general KS3 starters. (Normally £2.50) * Quiz pack - hours of fun quizzes, ideal for form time or to be broken up as starters/plenaries. (Normally £2) Just what you need to get a head start in the new school year! £7.50 pack for just £4.25!
The Perfect Christmas Bundle Pack

The Perfect Christmas Bundle Pack

3 Resources
The Perfect Christmas Bundle Pack An excellent collection for Christmas, featuring an exciting Christmas lesson, a Christmas fun pack and a quiz pack collection. Click on the links for further details! Also available is the ultimate Christmas bundle which you may prefer instead, featuring three whole Christmas lessons and the Christmas fun pack. Just £5.50. A must download. Download this below: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/the-ultimate-christmas-bundle-11425592 For more great resources, visit my shop page here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish
Zombie Apocalypse + Christmas Fun

Zombie Apocalypse + Christmas Fun

3 Resources
Zombie Apocalypse + Christmas Fun Gothic zombie apocalypse creative writing lesson plus Christmas quiz and fun pack. Amazing value. For more great resources, visit my shop page here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish
Jaws - English/Media Complete Lesson

Jaws - English/Media Complete Lesson

A complete lesson on the film Jaws! Students watch a 10 minute clip of Jaws (choose a dramatic section at the start of the film) and do an extract analysis using the planning and prompt sheets provided. Power Point includes additional prompts, starter and plenary ideas and lesson objectives. Resources included are: * Planning Sheet * Prompt Sheet * Additional Images (if required, these can be printed off and placed around the room for immediate impact to go with the starter.) For great more lessons and resources visit my shop here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish (Copyright free: to the best of my knowledge all images are copy right free.)
Horror, Murder and Literacy Collection Pack 4

Horror, Murder and Literacy Collection Pack 4

7 Resources
Horror, Murder and Literacy Collection Pack 4 A collection of inspirational and fun lessons around the theme of horror, muder with some literacy material thrown in! See the links for further details. Visit my shop for more great lessons and resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish (Credits: cooltext.com)
The Spooky Resource Collection

The Spooky Resource Collection

6 Resources
The Spooky Resource Collection A collection of inspirational 'spooky' complete lessons and resources. See the links for further details. Visit my shop for more great lessons and resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish (Credits: cooltext.com, copyright free image: https://pixabay.com/en/foggy-mist-forest-trees-spooky-545838/)
The Spooky Resource Collection 2

The Spooky Resource Collection 2

6 Resources
The Spooky Resource Collection 2 A collection of inspirational 'spooky' complete lessons and resources. See the links for further details. Visit my shop for more great lessons and resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish (Credits: cooltext.com, copyright free image: https://pixabay.com/en/foggy-mist-forest-trees-spooky-545838/)